Experience a clean and clear skin without leaving home! Here are a few steps on how to do facial on yourself.
Step 1. Cleanse. Thoroughly wash your face with warm water and facial soap or facial wash. Remember not to apply the product directly on your face. Lather first on your palm before starting. Do not use hot water as it my cause drying of the skin.
Step 2. Exfoliate. Use a facial scrub to exfoliate stubborn dirt stuck on your pores. Massage it on your face in circular motion avoiding the eye area.
Step 3. Steam. You may avail facial steamers or saunas in the market. Otherwise, here's a good alternative. You may use a washcloth instead. Soak the washcloth into warm water then press it on your face. This helps to unclog and open pores.
Step 4. Prick. You may use a facial pricker to extract black heads and white heads. It is important to get rid of blackheads and whiteheads as it may develop into acne sooner or later. Disinfect the pricker with alcohol before using.
Step 5. Tone. Apply a thin layer of toner on your face to shed off residues.
Step 6. Mask. Facial masks are available over the counter. Apply the one which is best for your skin type. If you are prone to acne, use an anti-acne mask. If you have oily skin, use a mask that may prevent it. Let it dry and peel it off.
Step 7. Moisturize. Apply a moisturizer to hydrate the skin. To let the nutrients be absorbed by the skin, do not wash your face with soap and water for about 6-8 hours.